ENSI Mailings

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Dec 15, 2011: ENSI Mailing - Issue 60 2011 is almost over. It was a year full of very significant experiences for all of us. All indicators show that Sustainable Development gets into the lime light of public attention more and more. SD is a wide field and so is Education for Sustainable Development. The multiplicity of ESD is reflected also in mailing 60.

In today's issue you will find information from the newly started project CoDeS (Collaboration of Schools and Communities), from activities and events all over the world, from new publications and media and last but not least from an UNECE sub-regional workshop 'Greening the economy', held in Slovenia in November. ENSImailing60.pdf
Sep 21, 2011: ENSI Mailing - Issue 59 You will find first information concerning the new large multilateral network CoDeS (School and community collaboration for sustainable development), which was initiated by ENSI. But you will find also other relevant information. The new mailing is not only containing contents in English, you will find a report in French and a didactical concept in German as well. ENSImailing59.pdf Jul 11, 2011: ENSI Mailing - Issue 58 You will find an overview to current developments, upcoming events and addresses from newsletters of organisations working in the field of Education for Sustainable Development. ENSImailing58.pdf May 9, 2011: ENSI Mailing - Issue 57 The thematic field reaches from reports about the activites of ENSI's Junior Researchers, to new publications and several planned conferences and meetings, where you may meet ENSI partners, and finalizes with an article concerning 'the role of ESD shifting to a green economie' (by Majda Naji). I hope that you will find lots of useful information for you and for your work on ESD!
ENSI mailing issue 57.pdf
Mar 16, 2011: ENSI Mailing - Issue 56 ENSI’s Mailing 56 is strongly future oriented:
It informs about two submitted COMENIUS proposals and it brings important information about three Conferences and three relevant new publications. But you will find also an article on ‘Education for a sustainable long term’ (Prof Michel Ricard, Université de Bordeaux, Chair UNESCO) and an invitation to participate to the Earth Hour 2011 (March 26th, 8.30 p.m.)
ENSI mailing issue 56.pdf
Dec 6, 2010: ENSI Mailing - Issue 55 Enclosed to this mail you will find the ENSI Mailing 55. It is the last mailing for the year 2010. We hope ENSI mailings supported you in your work for a more sustainable way of living, thinking and caring. mailing55.pdf Sep 24, 2010: ENSI Mailing - Issue 54 Dear ENSI member, dear friend of ENSI, dear reader

Attached to this mail you will find the ENSI Mailing 54. Here is a short glimpse on the index:

1. Quality Criteria for ESD Schools: Russian version available!
2. New LLL-Comenius proposal on school-community collaboration in preparation. You are invited to participate!
3. Skopje: 2-days Conference on ‘Crafting Sustainable local communities in South-Eastern Europe (29. – 30th October 2010).
4. SUPPORT/Norway: The website with all contributions from the final SUPPORT Conference in Bergen (29.August – 1.September 2010)
5. United Nations Development Programme: This fourth edition of the Asia-Pacific newsletter
6. 6th World Environmental Education Congress 2011, Brisbane, Australia (19 – 23rd July)
7. 6th WEEC 2011; Corner for Environmental Publications
8. European Centre for Development of Vocational Training CEDEFOP: The new CEDEFOP publication on green skills
9. Switzerland: Juvene

We hope to serve you with relevant information and we are looking forward to your feedbacks. mailing54.pdf
Jul 2, 2010: ENSI Mailing - Issue 53 We are lucky to present you a whole range of contributions from around the world.

The layout of the ENSI mailing got changed: All articles have a link where you will find the full text.
This change should simplify orientation and access to the information.
May 5, 2010: ENSI Mailing - Issue 52 1. ESD Conference Bergen rescheduled to August 29th – September 1st 2010
2. ENSI AGM information directly to participants
3. ENSI Annual report 2009 available at www.ensi.org
4. ENSI inpa honours its first Senior Advisors: Mauri Ahlberg, Peter Posch, Syd Smith
5. Project Learning Environments started!
6. Call from the UNESCO MEEG: Literature review of authoritative literature on processes and learning for ESD
7. ENSI’s Associate partner: The European Environment Agency
8. Publications and presentations:
a) Learning to shape the future through education for sustainable development. An educational guide towards changes in primary school (Germany, Transfer 21)
b) Nature classroom, a presentation of Education for Sustainable Development from Slovenia
9. Agenda:
a) UK ITE Network for Education Sustainable Development/ Global Citizenship Third Annual Conference
b) EnvironmentandHealth,Zurich,18.-21.August2010
c) Conference for ESD - in Ulaanbaatar, August 30st – September 03rd 2010! Call from Tomas Hertzman, former director of Ramboll Sweden
d) AlaraWorldCongress2010:ParticipatoryActionResearchandActionLearning, Melbourne Australia, 6.- 8. September 2010
Feb 26, 2010: ENSI Mailing Issue 51 1. SUPPORT: 'International Conference on the reorientation of the education system for ESD' Bergen, Norway, April 19-23, 2010
2. Launch of the Carpathian Mountains ESD Training Tool Kit - English version.
3. UK ITE Network for Education Sustainable Development/Global Citizenship: 3rd Annual Conference in London South Bank University; July 15th 2010
4. Call for papers for the 2010 Australian Association for Environmental Education (AAEE) Conference, at the Australian National University (ANU) September 27-30, 2010
5. Seminar for teachers and teacher trainers, Sep 20, 2010 Teacher Competencies for Education for Sustainable Development
6. Agenda: Preliminary programme of the 20th IUHPE World Conference on Health Promotion 'Linking Health, Equity and Sustainable Development in Schools' 10 and 11 July, 2010 in Geneva. ENSI-Mailing_51.pdf
Dec 21, 2009: ENSI Mailing Issue 50 In the attach you will find the ENSI mailing 50 with these main topics:

1. ENSI in Korea and Japan! A report of a journey in a new ENSI world
2. SUPPORT-Co2nnect campaign
3. News from partners and friends
a) Impressions in the Western Balkans (Mervi Aineslahti)
b) The journal of the OECD Centre for Effective Learning Environments
4. Agenda
Sep 25, 2009: Internal Mailing - Issue 49 ENSI mailing 49 with these main topics:

1. European Environment Agency and CINOP join the ENSI network.
2. The new Constitution of ENSI i.n.p.a.
3. CASALEN/Move4nature: The toolbox for Environmental Education in the Carpathians is ready!
4. OECD ILE project: Short description of the ILE and the role of ENSI
5. News from partners and friends
6. Proceedings of the International Conference ‘Working together on Sustainable Development’
7. Agenda Mailing_Issue_49.pdf
May 5, 2009: ENSI Mailing Issue 48 Topics in this issue:
- ENSI CONFERENCE: Creating learning environments for the future. Research and practice share knowledge.
- FOCUS: Learning Environment – a new term?
- SUPPORT: Call for participation at the SUPPORT/Comenius seminar
- MEMBERS’ NETWORKING PLACE: National Action Plan Australia & NatureGate
- NEW PUBLICATIONS: Education for Sustainable Development & Motiver la jeunesse à soutenir le développement durable
- AGENDA: 5th World Environmental Education Congress, European Commission Youth Action 4.3 UNESCO Youth Conference, SUPPORT/Comenius seminar & CARN-Conference
Mailing enSI Issue 48.pdf
Feb 20, 2009: Internal Mailing - Issue 47 ENSI mailing 47 with three main topics:
1. The ENSI Conference in Leuven: Detail programme and other relevant information
2. SUPPORT: CO2nnect Campaign is ready to start and will be exposed at the UNESCO World Conference in Bonn!
3. ENSI presents its work and methods at the 5th world environmental education congress in Montréal, Mai 2009

Dec 2, 2008: Internal Mailing - Issue 46 Topics in this issue:
- ENSI conference: ‘Creating learning environments for the future. Research and practice share knowledge’
- FOCUS: Engaging Research on ESD – a new ENSI project
- REPORT: Successful SUPPORT conference in Finland
- REPORT: Carpathian Environmental Education Network / Move4Nature Teachers’ Training Tour
- REPORT: ENSI meets the Francophone community
- MEMBERS’ NETWORKING PLACE: “Call for International Review – Swiss Curriculum for compulsory schools”

Mailing enSI Issue 46.pdf
Jul 31, 2008: Internal Mailing - Issue 45 1. ENSI becomes an ‘International non profit association’
2. FOCUS: O&EEC ARC Research Findings IN
3. REPORTS: Carpathian Environmental Education Network/ Move4Nature Teachers’ Training Tour - First Planning Workshop
4. NETWORK MEMBERS PLACE: News from Australia
- Engaging youth in sustainable Development (Michela Mayer and Johannes Tschapka)
- Zukunft mitgestalten by Christine Künzli David
- ESD on the move
6. ESD Update: Progress Asia and the Pacific
- SUPPORT-Hanasaari Conference
- The international Conference on ESD in Bordeaux, 27. – 29.October 2008
- ENSI Conference Leuven March 26.-28., 09: ‘Sharing knowledge and expertise for a sustainable future’
- UNESCO World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development – Moving Into the Second Half of the UN Decade
Internal Mailing Issue 45.pdf
Apr 15, 2008: Internal Mailing - Issue 44 ENSI: The Annual Report 2007
- ENSI AGM: Hot spots!
a) Elections
b) Three new projects
- The SUPPORT CAMPAIGN: Carbon footprint and traffic at school
- ENSI’s HOMEPAGE is looking for an ENSI historian – can you
a) EUSEW (European Union Sustainable Energy Week) and the
ManagEnergy Annual Conference
- NETWORK MEMBERS’ PLACE: Statement on Sustainability for All
Queensland Schools – Enough for All forever
1 ‘Educatio per al desenvolupament sostenible’
2 Presentation to the public about the Catalan version of the ENSI
publications on Eco-schools and on Quality Criteria
a) SUPPORT Conference: ICT Supported Education for Sustainable
Development and Global Responsibility, September 1-4, 2008
b) ENSI Conference Spring 2009, Leuven, Belgium
c) ENSI AGM 2009, Leuven, Belgium
Internal Mailing April 08.pdf
Dec 20, 2007: Internal Mailing - Issue 43 Topics in this issue:
- The new homepage is installed
- The new Constitution: Main changes in membership
- Report from the 4th UNESCO Conference of Environmental Education in Ahmedabad, 24. – 29. November 2007
- The Ahmedabad Declaration
- SUPPORT started successfully
- A look back at the Montenegro Conference, 1.- 2. October 2007
- Book review: Competences for the future
- Regula Kyburz-Graber honoured with the NAAEE-award for Environmental Education
- Retrospective: Australian workshops on storythread in Austria and Croatia
- Welcome to new members of ENSI, a ‘Thank you’ and ‘See you again’ to Adry Nienhaus van Lindt and Ton Remmers
- Introducing the “new” ENSI secretariat
- Agenda

Internal Mailing 43 .pdf
Aug 15, 2007: Internal Mailing - Issue 42 Topics in this issue:
- ENSI on the net: The new website is ready!
- Strategic plan for ESD in the educational system in Switzerland
- Form-It! ‘Take part in research’
- Follow up on Quality Criteria in Germany
- SUPPORT: New COMENIUS 3 project on ESD, supported by ENSI
- New Publications
- Collaboration with the Council of Europe
- New ensi-website in Austria
- Outlook to the next month activities

May 20, 2007: Internal Mailing - Issue 41 Topics in this issue:
- Greetings from the new publication board
- Two reviews of ENSI publications by international research journals
- Report on the National Conference of the Australian Associaton of Environmental Education AAEE under the title “Sharing Wisdom For Our Future: Environmental Education in Action” in Bunbury, Western Australia, October 3-6, 2006.
- Report on the 10th APEID Conference, Bangkok, 6. – 8. December 2006
- UNESCO: Highlights on Progress to Date (published in September 2006)
- Recommendations of the meeting of the
European Platform for Biodiversity Research Strategy Bio Diversity
- Hanasaari Declaration on Biodiversity Research
- ENSI will presented at the EU Conference Education for sustainable development end of Maý 2007 bei Günther Pfaffenwimmer and Reiner Mathar and will co- organize the workshop on international cooperation

Sep 27, 2006: Internal Mailing - Issue 40 1. Introducing the new ENSI secretariat
2. 2nd European Fair on Education for Sustainable Development
3. EU Finnish Presidency Meeting on Bio Diversity
4. Good Practices and ESD – message from UNECE
5. Message from ENSI QC-ESD working Group
Internal Mailing Issue 40.pdf
Aug 30, 2006: Internal Mailing - Issue 39 1. Introducing the new ENSI secretariat
2. Report from Paris Meeting on Education for Sustainable Development, from Günther Pfaffenwimmer.
3. Reminder Bio-Diversity Meeting under the Finnish Presidency
4. New Approach to communications for ENSI – We count on your help
5. Reminder on the 20th Anniversary ENSI Publication
6. G8 Moscow Declaration on Education
Internal Mailing Issue 39.pdf
May 8, 2006: Internal Mailing - Issue 36 Topics in this issue:
- Request for information from Australia
- Information from UNECE
- Update re. the secretariat
- Address and contact details update

Apr 20, 2006: Internal Mailing - Issue 35 Topics in this issue:
- Information from UNECE re. Good Practice on ESD
- Comenius III planning – pre-proposal meeting and new dates for September Meeting
- Interim Executive Committee Meeting 24,25 June 2006
- ENSI 20th Anniversary Publication – An appeal for addresses and for
- European Sustainable Development Network

Apr 3, 2006: Internal Mailing - Issue 34 Topics in this issue:
- Feedback from preliminary discussions on a new COMENIUS III proposal
- ENSI’s reflections on the EU Presidency Conference on ESD in Vienna
- Reminder Conference on ESD in France
- ENSI 20th Anniversary Publication – An appeal for addresses and for input
- First draft of the references to ESD publications and materials – additional input needed
- ENSI as a case study on networking – feedback requested InternalMailing34.pdf

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